Suspend script execution.
Eric Chatonet
eric.chatonet at
Fri May 25 07:22:03 EDT 2007
Hi Joe,
Just modal your stack and use the dialogData property. For instance:
set the dialogData to <data>
-- preparing the dialog
modal stack "MyAnsdwerDialog"
-- use the dialogData in MyAnsdwerDialog preopenStack to set the
dialog as you wish: prompt, labels, etc.
-- execution will stop here until MyAnsdwerDialog is closed (a Rev
-- change the contents of the the dialogdata from MyAnsdwerDialog
stack when the user clicks on a button or another and closes the stack
-- then execution starts again:
if the dialogdata contains, is, etc. then <act accordingly>
See modal command and dialogdata property in the docs :-)
Le 25 mai 07 à 13:12, LunchnMeets at a écrit :
> I’m trying to create my own ask and answer dialog boxes. In order
> to do that
> I must be able to suspend a script awaiting my custom dialog box
> input. Then I
> want to continue the same script. I tried using the wait command,
> but that won
> ’t allow any input while waiting. All suggestions are appreciated.
> Joe
Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
eric.chatonet at
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