Error report emails

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Tue May 22 21:28:03 EDT 2007

> > That line of script does not appear in any of my code, so I assume  there
> > is an error in the error reporting. Has anyone else experienced
> > this? I'm not even sure what version of Revolution it is. It won't be
> > 2.8.1 but it could be 2.6.x, 2.7.x or 2.8.0
> I get this with 2.6.1.  It makes that rather nice facility unusable for me
> so I've coded a routine to save a log best I can.

I have now tested a stack with an error built using with 2.6.1, 2.7.0,
2.8.0 & 2.8.1 and none of them have any trouble with the error
reporting email. They all show the exact error.

So either this is Windows only (I'm using Mac and my app only runs on
Mac & Windows) or it depends on the error. I'll have to see what the
people reporting the false errors are using.

> > Related to this, it would be really good if there was a way to add some
> > more data to these reports e.g. the version number of the
> > software, the platform, the engine number etc. If I bugzilla the erroneous
> > error report, I might add an enhancement request for this.
> > Does anyone have any other suggestions that they would like added at
> > the same time?
> With 2.6.1 it exits the stand alone after showing the error.  It'd be nice
> if it did not do this, though this may well have been fixed in later
> versions of Rev. Probably something I should check with the latest beta.

I don't get this either. The standalone still runs fine after
displaying the error dialog, whether you email the report or not.
Again, maybe this is platform-specific. What are you using Scott?


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