combine by column crashes

Jacques Hausser Jacques.Hausser at
Mon May 21 08:37:42 EDT 2007

Hello everybody

2.8.1 new features: I noticed that "combine by column" works only  
when the array variables contain the same number of lines, and no  
empty lines...
if you have an empty line, RunRev simply crashes...
By contrast, "split by column seems" to work OK, even with empty  
cells in the table.
As it is quite frequent to have empty lines (i.e. empty cells in the  
original splitted and then recombined table) "combine by row |  
column" seem far less attractive at second view...
Classical question: it's a bug or a feature ?


Prof. Jacques Hausser
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Biophore / Sorge (formerly Biology building...)
University of Lausanne
CH - 1015 Lausanne

phone: ++ 41 21 692 41 62
fax: ++ 41 21 692 41 65
E-Mail: jacques.hausser at

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