Error in docs about "file creation date"

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Sat May 19 15:49:49 EDT 2007

 "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at> wrote:

> >> Here is the script snippet I use to append the creation date to the
> >> image name field under the thumb:
> >>     "put item 5 of line i of tdetfiles into Datum
> >>    convert Datum from dateitems to long date
> >>    put Tab&item 2 to 3 of Datum after fld Feld"
> Shouldn't line 2 be "convert Datum from seconds to long date"? Does it
> work if you change that line?
> -- Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at HyperActive Software

With "from seconds to long date" I get the same results as with 
"dateitems", namely March 15 for item 4 of the detailed files - which is 
the "transfer" date, i.e. *not* the creation date that is part of the 
EXIF information.

Same for item 5, "May 19", and "March 4" who could indeed be construed 
as modification dates.

But then, it seems there is no reliable procedure to get at the creation 
dates when you use "the detailed files" - meaning the docs are not fully 
correct here.

Like with the EXIF image information in PaintshopPro, Alex Tweedly's 
"libEXIF" stack correctly returns the creation dates of the same images 
in question, i.e. the very same images at the same place which return 
"transfer" dates when you use "the detailed files"
I will take a closer look at Alex's stack to see whether part of the 
functions could be incorporated into my "thumbs" stack to display 
reliable, depending, of course, on Alex's agreement.


Wilhelm Sanke


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