Build for Classic

Scott Kane scott at
Fri May 18 20:34:58 EDT 2007

From: "Luis" <luis at>

> Anyroad, if issues of workload are to be borne in mind regarding 
> unsupported OSs the we should also ditch Windows 98. Although I  wouldn't 
> agree with it on the grounds that there are tonnes of these  around (I 
> even saw 3.1 'For Workgoups' on every machine in a  government department 
> not two years ago, pretty nippy on them  Pentiums I must say!).

In some programs I refuse to support Win 9x and Millennium (for technical 
reasons related to some of the hardware problems in those OS').  However on 
the matter of Win 3.11 there are some parts of the QLD Education department 
who were still using that OS in relatively recent times.  At the time the 
reason was "because Win 95 has bugs" which while true was not really a valid 
reason in that Win 95 for all it's warts was generally more stable than Win 
3.11.  As you can imagine it created quite a problem with inter departmental 
documents written in various versions of Word, Access etc.

Scott Kane
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." 
Arthur C Clarke 

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