Error in docs about "file creation date"

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Fri May 18 10:21:34 EDT 2007

The docs contain the following information about the detailed files:

> The detailed files form returns a list of files, one file per line. 
> Each line contains the following attributes, separated by commas:
>     * The file's name, URL-encoded
>     * The file's size in bytes (on Mac OS and OS X systems, the size 
> of the file's data fork)
>     * The resource fork size in bytes (Mac OS and OS X systems only)
>     * The file's creation date in seconds (Mac OS, OS X, and Windows 
> systems only)
>     * The file's modification date in seconds


While trying to add the creation date to the filename in a "thumbs" 
application I noticed that the creation date is actually item 5 of the 
detailed files rather than item 4, number 4 really containing the 
modification date.

Since the "detailed files" was introduced in Rev version 1.0 and 
modified in 1.1 nobody seems to have made use of the creation date over 
the last years?

-- Wilhelm Sanke   

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