2.8.1: a necessary corrective.

Dave dave at looktowindward.com
Fri May 18 05:15:26 EDT 2007


It's not that there are bugs, it's that the same bugs remain there  
release after release while new features were added (with their own  
set of new bugs, so the list got bigger) and we were expectws to pay  
for new versions over and over again with all the old problems still  

All the Best

On 18 May 2007, at 09:42, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

> Joel wrote a long, and fairly sesquedepelian,
> disquisition on Bugs that were not fixed in 2.8.1.
> On my lap just now I have:
> "Modern Systems Analysis And Designs" by Hoffer,
> George and Valacich - Prentice Hall, 2002 - ISBN
> 0-13-042363-7
> This (extremely boring and tedious) book goes to great
> lengths to explain that:
> 1. "perfection" is an illusion.
> 2. aim for 60% and then be happy when you get 80%.
> 3. Systems Development is a long, tedious and
> iterative business.
> (fairly good summary of whole book in three bullet
> points).
> This makes me think of F. Waismann (friend of Ludwig
> Wittgenstein) who never wrote a book - when he died
> somebody found a set of shoeboxes under his bed full
> of record cards - from which they were able to
> assemble 2 brilliant, mind-blowing books.
> Now, we could wait for 25-40 years while RunRev
> produce the App to blow away all other apps . . . but
> I will be a doddering old f**t of 85 by then [there
> is, of course, the theory that I am already a
> doddering old f**t :) ].
> Some of us would rather support a very good
> 'work-in-progress' than wait for the great day.
> So Joel's long 'thing' about bugs is, to my mind,
> rather naive and silly.
> I have been using Runtime Revolution for about 5-6
> years - and have just had a look at RR 1.1.1 (lurking
> on a hard drive somewhere) and realised just how far
> the 'beast' has come. Hey, why not dig out Hypercard
> and play with that?
> RunRev should be 'nudged' continually about the bugs;
> then in the next iteration a few more bugs will have
> been ironed out - AND, inevitably, more bugs will crop
> up as the feature set in expanded. I have had a lot of
> fun "bashing the betas".
> Played with a demo version of another RAD the other
> day: it didn't have an "bugs" - the whole bl**dy thing
> was a giant cockroach, and I spent 6 hours rescuing my
> system after it had strutted its extremely funky
> stuff.
> sincerely, Richmond Mathewson
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