Grep -- How to match segment containing many lines

Sivakatirswami katir at
Tue May 15 14:57:15 EDT 2007

I went into production with the script below where. The benchmark on this
I thought was impressive, so I thought to share it:

The fld "findChunk" has the grep string:

(?s)<div id="container">(.*?)<div id="intro">

the fileList has a list of paths already chosen for files to be operated on.
in this case 647  files.

Intel mac running the rev app over   100 baseT opening files
on an OSX intel server over the LAN.

Ok so I thought to myself "Hmmm replaceText... this is going to be slow...
If I do this in BBEdit, on a multi-file search and replace, I would go 
for tea...
let's see how Rev does on this new platform."

open, replaceText, save and close

647 interations, 22 seconds!

I had 3 other unique replacements to make on those files,
Job done in 1 min 20 seconds.

The longest part of the operation was running a script to
use FTP to upload all those to the web server... of course
that ran in the background.

next production job will be a complete update of the web design
at  where the same operation
will be done on 3287 files...

on mouseUp

## Warnings!
   answer "This is very dangerous! If you are unsure of yourself, stop 
now! do the S n R on a single file and check your work!" with "OK" or 
   if it is  "Cancel" then exit to top
   put empty into fld "pau"
   if  (the hilight of btn "Use Result List" = "false") then put empty 
into fld "resultList"
   answer "Are you sure? This operation is irreversible."&cr&\
   "If you are nervous be sure to have a back up!" with "Yes, just do 
it!" or "No"
   if it is "No" then exit MouseUp
   set the cursor to busy

## Get find and replace strings

   put fld "findChunk" into tSearchString
   put fld "replaceChunk" into tReplaceString

## get paths to files

if the hilight  of btn "Use Result List" then
     put fld "resultList" into tFileList
     put fld "fileList" into tFileList
   end if

## Read, do SnR, save

  repeat for each line y in tFileList
     put url ("file:"&y) into theFileData

   if the hilite of btn "Use Grep" then
      put fld "replaceChunk" into tReplaceString
       put fld "findChunk" into tFindString
      put replaceText(theFileData,tFindString,tReplaceString) into 
     replace tSearchString with tReplaceString in theFileData
   end if

     put theFileData into  url ("file:"&y)

   end repeat
   put "Pau!" into fld "Pau"

end mouseUp

Ken Ray wrote:
>> does it... and I found the section in the BBEdit help on
>> "Perl-Style Pattern Extensions"  where all this is
>> explained...
>> "s       allow. to match \r"
>> Marvelous!  The unintuitive part is that this pattern
>> or "toggle" must begin the entire expression.
> For more on how Rev handles it, go to, which is 
> the documentation on the PCRE library that Rev uses for regex handling.

Om shanti
(In  Peace)


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