protecting images in standalone?

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Thu May 10 12:52:49 EDT 2007

Hi Howard,

Le 10 mai 07 à 18:37, Howard Bornstein a écrit :

> I'd like to do the same thing with a music file; embed it into the  
> stack
> directly. I can set a custom property to an mp3 file, but I can't  
> figure out
> how to play or reference it then. The custom property contains the  
> actual
> mp3 data, but I can't set a player to it because it wants a file  
> name, not
> the data directly. Same issue for a movie.
> Once I've set a custom property to contain the music or video data,  
> how do I
> reference it? Do I then need to spin it out as a temporary file and  
> then
> reference that? Then clean up the file when I'm done?
> -- 
> Regards,
> Howard Bornstein

Sims has answered yet and this is the right answer :-)

Nevertheless, the "How to Monitor a QuickTime Player by Script"  
tutorial might help you since it demonstrates this method among others:
The stack shows you how to monitor a QT player to play music (mp3  
included) and provide all the usual commands, and more, to the user.
How to know if the right version of QT is installed, manage  
durations, progress, quick searches, sound level, loops, play-lists,  
The main commands are embedded in a scripted group, which you can  
export into any project. This scripted group is able to monitor, not  
only sound files, but also the video files as well.
Print function included.

You will access this tutorial through "Tutorials Picker" a free  
plugin that interfaces with the So Smart Software website in order to  
display all available tutorials stacks directly from the web.
You will find it by going to
Revolution/Plugins or Tutorials section.

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
eric.chatonet at

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