How to POST an image file?
Andre Garzia
soapdog at
Mon May 7 12:11:43 EDT 2007
I didn't tried assembling mime encoded messages by hand, but why
don't you try some not well known libURL gems as detailed on libURL
manual Below, I
quote from the docs, I think you can use this functions to assemble
your post data...
libUrlMultipartFormData(<form data>,...)
libUrlMultipartFormData formats data in the way described in rfc
1867. It was designed for posting files to web servers. The function
can be called in a number of ways depending on the parameters passed.
In all cases, the first parameter must be a variable which will be
filled with the form data. The function will return empty if
successful, or an error message if it fails (for example, if it
couldn't open a file).
Note: When you need to supply a file as the value of a paramter, you
must pass the file name preceeded by the text "<file>".
Note: In all cases, the first line of the data returned in the form
data variable is the Content-Type header that must be included in the
httpHeaders of the url request. Lines 2 to the end of the data is the
data that must be posted to the url.
The standard way to call the function is with pairs of name/value
put empty into tForm
put "" into tUrl
put "dave" into tName
put "hello" into tMessage
put "<file>" & "C:/myfile.txt" into tFile
if libUrlMultipartFormData (tForm, "name", tName, "message",
tMessage, "file", tFile) is not empty then
answer it ##error
set the httpHeaders to line 1 of tForm
post line 2 to -1 of tForm to url tUrl
## check the result, etc., here
set the httpHeaders to empty
end if
You can also pass in an array instead of pairs of parameters. This
could be useful if there are many parts to a form. The array must be
numerically indexed, and each element should contain the part name
and part value, separated by a comma. So (using the above example):
put empty into tForm
put "dave" into tName
put "hello" into tMessage
put "<file>" & "C:/myfile.txt" into tFile
put "name," & tName into tArray[1]
put "message," & tMessage into tArray[2]
put "file," & tFile into tArray[3]
if libUrlMultipartFormData(tForm, tArray) is not empty then
answer it ##error
set the httpHeaders to line 1 of tForm
post line 2 to -1 of tForm to url <whatever>
## check the result, etc., here
set the httpHeaders to empty
end if
You can also call the function with no arguments except the form
data. This will return an "empty" form. Basically, line 1 is the
header, and line 2 is the final boundary mark of the form. It is of
no use by itself, but it can be used with libUrlMultipartFormAddPart.
See below for an example.
libUrlMultipartFormAddPart(<form data>,<part name>,<value>[,<MIME
This lets you add parts to a multipart form one at a time. It also
lets you optionally specify the mime type and transfer encoding for
each part. This can be useful where the mime type or transfer
encoding has to be specified.
put empty into tForm
put "dave" into tName
put "hello" into tMessage
if libUrlMultipartFormData (tForm, "name", tName, "message",
tMessage) is not empty then
##handle error and exit
end if
set the httpHeaders to line 1 of tForm
delete line 1 of tForm
put "<file>" & "C:/myfile.gif" into tFile
put "image/gif" into tType
put "binary" into tEnc
if libUrlMultipartFormAddPart(tForm,"file", tFile, tType,
tEnc) <> empty then
##handle error and exit
post tForm to url <whatever>
set the httpHeaders to empty
end if
On May 7, 2007, at 1:01 PM, Joel Guillod wrote:
> Given the following form in an html page from url like "http:/
> myserver/mydir/mypage":
> <form action="myaction" method="post"
> enctype="multipart/form-data">
> <p>File: <input type="file" name="file"></p>
> <input type="submit">
> </form>
> I try to "POST tData to URL "http:/myserver/mydir/mypage/myaction"
> where tData contains the following data:
> --> (this line is not included in data)
> Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x
> --AaB03x
> content-disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="logo.gif"
> Content-type: image/gif
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
> --AaB03x--
> <-- (this line is not included in data)
> Can anyone tell me why I get a 500 server error or a 40x error?
> Using the original html page in a web browser works as expected and
> I have checked that it is not a cookie issue.
> I also tried without success (same error) with the following tData:
> --> (this line is not included in data)
> Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x
> --AaB03x
> content-disposition: form-data; name="file"
> Content-type: multipart/mixed, boundary=BbC04y
> --BbC04y
> Content-disposition: attachment; filename="decoration.gif"
> Content-type: image/gif
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
> --BbC04y--
> --AaB03x--
> <-- (this line is not included in data)
> So I suppose either my post url or the data content is/are
> malformed... Any help welcome!
> Thanks,
> Joel
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