on returnkey doesn't work

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at cox.net
Sat May 5 18:38:26 EDT 2007

Sarah, you were included too. I just saw Jim's reply first. These  
damn eyes! For those of you who don't know, you might find it  
"interesting" to know that about 6 or 7 years ago my left eye  
developed a hole in its macula; so when I try to read that hole  
sometimes blanks out portions that I normally can see with my right  
eye alone. With just the left eye, I can see, but I can't read a  
thing. Very disturbing for one who has used his eyes as his most  
important sense.

Joe Wilkins

On May 5, 2007, at 2:44 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

>> I've put the following into a card script and then tried it in a
>> field script that would have an insertion point or some selected
>> text. Essentially, I'm trying to identify which of the 45 text fields
>> on a card is the one in which the user has just entered something, so
>> that I can use the return key to go to the next field; the tab key
>> works fine in this regard, but I'd like the return key to do the same
>> thing. Each of these text fields only uses the first line, but if the
>> return key is pressed now, it goes to the next line. Perhaps I should
>> be using a different type of field; maybe a label instead?
>> on returnKey
>>     -- do anything; I tried a beep and as the dictionary said: go
>> next cd; nothing happens
>> end returnKey
>> Then in a field
>> on returnField
>>    -- ditto
>> end returnField
> You need a "returnInField" handler to trap returns inside a field. You
> might also need to check for "enterInField".
> Cheers,
> Sarah
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