Standalone Question

Martin Baxter mb.userev at
Thu May 3 05:14:54 EDT 2007

Bernard Devlin wrote:
> Martin, I believe that is an inaccurate judgement.  Whilst I was never a 
> MetaCard user,  I believe that the ScriptLimits existed in that product 
> too.  Runrev must have had some licensing arrangement with Scott Raney - 
> effectively, they were re-selling the engine, but wrapped in a different 
> IDE.  Then they bought the engine.
> Bernard
>> See the scriptlimits. This is Revolution's contribution to the
>> contemporary practice of limiting software functionality in order to
>> protect commercial interests. Basically it stops users doing what
>> Runtime did - using the product to create a competing product. Sorry.

Hi Bernard,

My memory is admittedly not the most trustworthy so I'm happy to be 
corrected if I misremember, but my recollection is that the 10 line 
scriptlimits in Metacard and early versions of Revolution only applied 
in the free version. Runtime of course dropped the free version but also 
applied the script limits to standalones made with the paid-for version.

Martin Baxter

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