Connecting Rev 2.6.1 to MySQL

John Craig jc at
Wed May 2 12:44:21 EDT 2007

Hi, all.  I've tried connecting Rev. 2.6.1/Linux to MySQL 3.23.58 and 
MySQL 4.1.13, but always get the 'invalid database type' error returned.
When trying with a standalone, I get;

 'Failed to load error cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory'
Rev can't seem to locate the library file where ever I put it.

I've tried using revSetDatabaseDriverPath, checked the permissions, 
copied the .so file to various locations and changed the file name to 
match the case in the error message, but still no joy.  I had a look 
through the list archives for an answer, but nothing has worked so far.  
Any tips appreciated.


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