What's wrong with Globals?
Joe Lewis Wilkins
pepetoo at Cox.Net
Sat Mar 31 00:35:28 EDT 2007
Ditto, Mark. Some more great reading. Needless to say, my extensive
use of globals way back in the beginning was mostly because, as you
guys have pointed out, I hadn't learned any other ways to do what I
had to do. However, that was one of the reasons I fell in love with
HC. It let someone like me, who wasn't a programmer at the time, or
even now I suppose, really get something done that worked and solved
problems. Again, thanks for all of this great info and opinions. I
hope some of the newbies on the list have taken the time to follow
this thread.
Joe Wilkins
On Mar 30, 2007, at 10:11 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
> What's wrong with globals?
> Normally I don't trot out my globals tirade because it upsets people,
> but since you asked...
> <flame suit on>
> Globals are what I usually think of as the way people start out using
> variables until they learn better ways. It's a way of avoiding
> learning some "proper" techniques of programming: decoupling,
> narrowing scope, things that make your code better.
> <flame suit off>
> That said, Chipp Walters has hipped me to some very clever ways of
> using globals in a rev environment that would actually be rather
> clumsy doing any other way (relying on persistence even after a stack
> has been removed from memory).
> So, in addition to the fine job Jim Ault has done explaining globals,
> I'd like to add:
> 1. Global variables can be changed from multiple spots in your code.
> That value you just put into a global variable may have just gotten
> overwritten by some other object (a card script, a timer, etc) and is
> not the value you expect. The whole reason local variables exist is to
> restrict variable scope to prevent them getting stepped on.
> 2. As Jim pointed out, globals stick around in memory and you can't
> tell if they're there or not - the act of checking creates them.
> As a corollary, many modern languages do garbage collection
> periodically, in which unused variables are removed from memory to
> reclaim space. The use of globals which are expected to be persistent
> can cause problems translating from one computer language to another.
> 3. Trying to edit a script to change a global into a local variable is
> messy. The compiler complains because the global is still in memory
> from the last compilation. You have to go to the message box first and
> type
> global xyz;delete global xyz
> and then you can change the xyz declaration in your script to local.
> This is especially messy if you have the global defined in several
> scripts (which I assume is why you made a global in the first place).
> If you absolutely have to use a global, it's best to stick to the
> convention of a "g" prefix (gMyGlobal) so that 1) if you decide to
> change it to a local later on you can just drop the "g" globally
> (haha) and 2) you can be sure in reading your code when you're
> using a global and when you're using a local.
> 4. There's almost always a better approach than using a global
> variable. Passing a parameter to a function rather than filling in a
> global variable and retrieving it comes to mind, as does using custom
> properties. Or just rethinking the code that called for a global in
> the first place.
> 5. If you have more than a few objects, it starts getting a bit fuzzy
> as to who's using a given global. If you want to change or delete a
> global, do you actually have clear in your head all the places in your
> stack where it's used? Can you stuff a new value into it and not
> affect something 20 cards down the line? If you rename a global, can
> you remember all the places that use it? And how they interact?
> 6. Using global variables couples objects, stacks, scripts together
> very tightly in a way that message- or parameter-passing does not.
> 7. Just because a global is declared in multiple places doesn't
> guarantee that it will be used for the same purpose. Worst case
> scenario: "global gTemp" as a temporary storage between scripts will
> almost invariably cause problems. It may be used to store a
> temperature variable to be recovered by another script, which then
> places a result string into it to be retrieved by a third script. This
> can cause no end of debugging nightmares.
> I don't use global variables myself if I can at all avoid it. In all
> the time I've been using rev I think I have maybe a handful of global
> variables sprinkled through my code, and usually just because I was
> too lazy to do things right. I've almost always regretted putting
> things into global variables and had to spend more time fixing them up
> afterwards.
> I do use get and set routines sometimes for variables that have to
> have a life outside of their home scripts. I think it's just one step
> above the use of global vars, but at least it affords a little bit of
> control over when a global var gets changed and makes it a bit easier
> to debug. I can always put a breakpoint into the setter routine to see
> who's changing it:
> local someVar
> function SomeVar
> return someVar
> end SomeVar
> on PutSomeVar pValue
> -- could put a breakpoint here
> put pValue into someVar
> end PutSomeVar
> --
> -Mark Wieder
> mwieder at ahsoftware.net
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