Dropped Menu Bar

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 30 11:16:03 EDT 2007

--- Joe Lewis Wilkins <pepetoo at Cox.Net> wrote:
> Hi Me! Well that wasn't very productive. I'm not
> even sure what the  
> value of having the Application browser may be,
> since it appears all  
> we can do is "kind of" look at some stuff. Even if I
> was able to find  
> what I thought might be what I was looking for, and
> copied it using  
> the contextual menu; what would I be able to paste
> it into.
> What ever? Just talking to myself!
> Joe Wilkins

Well, since you can't open two stacks with the same
name at the same time, you'd have to :
- copy it from the backup stack
- paste it into a temporary new mainstack (just in
case you have to do something in-between that may
modify the clipboard contents)
- close the backup and remove it from memory (you can
do this by right-clicking in the applicvation browser)
- open the current version of the stack and paste it
in there

As for the temporary stack, you can either never save
to the hard drive or keep it around as extra backup of
your menu structure ;-)

Jan Schenkel.

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"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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