
Dave dave at looktowindward.com
Thu Mar 29 07:59:03 EDT 2007


Well I've got my own Exporter/Importer which dumps into a Folder and  
File Hierarchy, I can then drag the base folder into (say) a  
CodeWarrior Project and then do complex searches between separate  
stack/application. Also the Folder/File Compare in CodeWarrior is  
second to none and I've found it great for finding when and where  
something changed. I also have a number of SNOBOL4/SPITBOL programs  
that can produce Cross References and other reports on the code. They  
also do things like generate a "local" statement for each local  
variable that hasn't been declared.

All the Best

On 29 Mar 2007, at 07:31, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Viktoras Didziulis wrote:
> > What about exporting to an xml along with properties of stacks,
> > cards and objects? And then its just one step towards importing
> > back into Revolution ide ;-)
> What does one do with scripts outside of the IDE that can't be done  
> directly in the IDE?
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  ___________________________________________________________
>  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com       http://www.FourthWorld.com
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