Enabling a Menu
Joe Lewis Wilkins
pepetoo at Cox.Net
Sun Mar 25 02:11:52 EDT 2007
Hi all,
Probably something I'm doing wrong, but the following in an OpenCard
handler doesn't do the job:
set the enable of button "Edit" of group "Coloring Book Menu Bar" of
this cd to true
Initially, I tried it without the reference "of this cd", but it
didn't work either.
Normally, this stack doesn't have a usable Edit Menu, but on some
cards it will; hence the need to do this.
Joe Wilkins
On Mar 13, 2007, at 10:59 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:
>> I am a newcomer to Revolution and the list. I am making small drill
>> standalones for my computer lab. I have looked and searched for
>> instructions on how to make the standalone app display a custom made
>> icon, but can't seem to find it. I have created the icon files in
>> PhotoShop using IconBuilder.
>> Is there a website anyone would recomend that addresses this or could
>> someone please help me with this.
> Hi Karen,
> Welcome to the Revolution!
> I don't use Photoshop so I can't give you any advice about it's
> plugin, but I use a shareware program called Iconographer (I see you
> are on a Mac): <http://www.mscape.com/products/iconographer.html>.
> Import your Photoshop icon or image into Iconographer, generate the
> mask if needed, then "Complete Icon" to fill in all the other sizes.
> If you save as a .icns file, that will work for Mac OS X applications.
> Save as a .ico file for Windows.
> In your stacks Standalone Settings, find the icons section for the
> particular platform and select the icon file you just saved. On OS X,
> when you build the app, it won' tlook as if it has the real icon. Copy
> the app to another folder or zip & unzip it to make the icon appear.
> Hope this helps,
> Sarah
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