must externals be written only in C/C++ ?

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Sat Mar 24 00:57:16 EDT 2007


Friday, March 23, 2007, 8:32:25 AM, you wrote:

> I'm looking at how I would extend both Python and Rev apps with
> externals.  In both cases C is the assumed default, but I had thought
> it should be possible in principle to use FreePascal instead.

In principle, yes. How much control do you have over dll formatting in
FreePascal? My experience has been that Pascal compilers generate
uppercase exported symbols. You'll have to export mixed-case symbols
to work with rev's engine. And I believe, but I'm not sure, that
FreePascal allows you to set the calling protocol to stdcall rather
than the Pascal one (which I can't remember off the top of my head).
At any rate, it's documented in the sdk.

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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