having to help Rev (was: Re: Memory Leak on export png????)

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Fri Mar 23 10:37:14 EDT 2007



>>Dave continued:
>However stress testing is not an accomplishment 
>at all it's really easy, that's why I really 
>can't see why you are going on about it, I do it 
>without even thinking about it! In fact I was 
>absolutely gobsmacked that you were surprised 
>that this was my way of working.
>>and we look forward to URLs of the products you 
>>ship so we can all learn how to improve the 
>>quality of our own work.
>Now you're just being silly!  How will looking 
>at the products I have worked on help you learn 
>how to improve the quality of your own work? 
>Besides which unless you just happen to have 
>£50,000+ worth of video equipment lying around 
>it wouldn't do you much good!
>And Apart from all that - I've told you how to do it already!
>Take Care and All the Best


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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