Do you Ubuntu?

Peter Alcibiades palcibiades-first at
Wed Mar 21 05:03:06 EDT 2007

The problem with running on MacIntels in Parallels is, that virtualisation on 
Macs cannot be the future Linux market for Rev.  The market has to be, 
assuming it exists,  people running Linux on off-the-shelf PCs.

So I would get a cheap base unit and a kvm, and put a few distros on in 
multiboot mode - Suse, Fedora, Debian proper, Ubuntu, a Slackware derivative 
like Zenwalk or Slackware itself.  I agree with Richmond in finding Puppy 
very impressive, but wonder how many people are really using it in anger.

My own experience is, there are significant differences running Rev on 
Mandriva 32 and on Debian.  Not all the fonts work properly on Debian.  And 
on Debian, both 32 bit on a laptop and 64 bit on desktop, though not on 
Mandriva, I get periodic extreme slowdowns in both the script editor and the 
dictionary.  Haven't been able to track down why.


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