Memory Leak on export png????

Dave dave at
Mon Mar 19 12:21:49 EDT 2007

On 19 Mar 2007, at 14:56, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Dave wrote:
>> Some more information on this.
>> If I delete the Text counter object from the group that gets  
>> exported  the it will output many more images (once it actually  
>> did all 500)  before stopping. Doing this it will just continue  
>> forever, e.g. Most  of the time I don't get the error dialog and  
>> mouseUp handler never  exits.
>> I looked at the system activity monitor and found that 1.68 GB OUT  
>> of  my 2 GB was allocated to RunRev, so I guess it really is leaking!
> Is that physical memory or virtual? On OS X I've seen seemingly  
> small apps take up a surprising amount of virtual memory, but  
> operate in a much smaller physical space.

Real Memory, I can watch free memory drop and get allocated to RunRev  
until around 1.7 GB level then thing start to slow way down and I  
either get the error dialog, RunRev hangs or it manages to finish ok.  
When it does finish ok, if I run it again Free Memory continues to  
shrink until it reaches the point where I get the error dialog or it  
hangs. If I close the stack it still doesn't get de-allocated, the  
only thing that appears to cause it to be de-allocated is quitting  

> Although FWIW I've not seen my Rev usage climb that high while  
> running these tests.  Are there plugins or other stacks running  
> which may play a role here?

The only plug-in I have loaded is the stackFormat plugin, other than  
that it's a Standard RunRev Install. I have tried it with the  
stackFileVersion property set to 2.4 and 2.7.

>> I also tried storing the image into a variable instead of a file  
>> and  get the same problems.
>> Not sure what else to try? Would be interesting to find out why  
>> it  works on your system and not mine or Ian's. Anyone what to try  
>> this  on their system? Haven't tried this at all under Windows.
>> Thanks a lot and All the Best
>> Dave
>> Hi,
>>> Mac OS X 10.4.8, MacBook Pro 2.16GHz Core Duo, 2GB RAM
>> Ok, are you using the standard RunRev IDE and not running  
>> anything  other that the standard RunRev stuff?
> I did the test both in Rev with only the default installaton, and  
> in MetaCard loaded up with several megs of my own tools.  Same good  
> result with each.
>> I set the fill color via the Property Inspector, not via a  
>> script,  not sure if that would make a difference. I have removed  
>> all fill  colors and I still get the error when writing file  
>> number 289. I've  also tried making the object/rectangle smaller,  
>> still stops on file 289.
> In theory it should make no difference, since the Inspector is  
> setting the same property I set in script.  If anything, one might  
> expect the script to do a better job of exposing any issue with  
> that since it's working harder, setting the color over and over  
> with each iteration.
> Unfortunately this week I'm up to my gills in client work, so I  
> won't be able to run another test on this.  It may be helpful to  
> submit a test stack which reproduces the problem reliably on your  
> system to support at, so they can reproduce it there.  With  
> their low-level debugging tools I'm sure that if they can reproduce  
> it they'll be able to fix it in short order.

Ok will do.

All the Best

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