Bkgnd process that returns immediately

Mark Powell mark_powell at symantec.com
Sun Mar 18 09:56:20 EDT 2007


Thanks for the additional info on the redirect technique.  I have
adapted it to the following

 put "start /MAX C:\foo.html > C:\foo.txt" into MyCom	
 set the hideConsoleWindows to true	
 get  "start cmd /c"  && quote & MyCom & quote	
 get shell(it)	

and have further questions...

This does seem to open foo.html without blocking.  However, the console
window flashes despite setting hideConsoleWindows to true. Do you have
that same behavior?  Is this due to the redirect, or is there something
else I can include to keep the console window invisible.

Suppose I wanted to close the window foo.html via shell.  What would the
text be on the first line before >?

Can I put multiple lines into mycommand so that shell will run commands
in sequence?

Thanks very much.


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