[OFF] Input/Info Requested

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at Cox.Net
Fri Mar 16 14:27:54 EDT 2007

Hi Marielle,

A few weeks back I broached that very issue. Or, maybe, even more  
ambitiously, about the total scope of available resources for RunRev.  
It had become pretty obvious to me that there are just tons and tons  
of materials, suggestions, approaches, et. out there, but the newbie  
to Rev has got to be bewildered. When I was working heavily with  
FutureBasic, I was pushing for the design of a few really good  
templates to be used by newbies of FB a starting point. We even did a  
few; and, except for its Mac only capabilities, FB is the best,  
fastest and easiest there is. Lots of it are in assembly language,  
and like this list, the FB lists are impressive, though not as  

Were it not for the fact that I am now simply swamped with  
architectural commitments, I thoroughly intended to pursue the  
template concept of Macinstruct.com;but it turns out that I'm  
actually having to take an hiatus from my column on Revolution there;  
perhaps for as long as a couple of months. Frankly, templates make  
less sense with Rev, because the interface design is so simple to  
begin with; meaning that an evaluation of the available resource when  
pursuing a specific type of design, plus a heads up with respect to  
the potential gotchas, is probably a better approach. Break down the  
kinds of things that might be attempted by someone, and they outline  
an approach that they might use to achieve those ends. I don't think  
there is a lot of new ground that would have to be broken, just  
guidance as to where to look for an specific challenge; since you can  
spend a lifetime reading all the stuff that is available, but not  
really find the things that a person might need at the time. I'm just  
running off at the mouth, so excuse me. I know you understand,  
probably far better than I do.

With FB, I tried to recruit a team to work with me on the "template"  
approach, and got a few takers, but ended up doing most of it myself.  
I assume it would be the same here, and I don't currently have the  
free time to take somethng like this on. Much as I would love the  

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 16, 2007, at 10:33 AM, Marielle Lange wrote:

> One thought bringing another.
> Various persons have complained about the absence of good resources  
> for newbies... well, all tools are there to create these resources.  
> If on wikibooks, anybody has the opportunity to correct anything at  
> anytime.
> Joe, any way some of the material you wrote at:
> <http://www.macinstruct.com/codemojo>
> Or Devin, the excellent material at:
> <http://revolution.byu.edu/chum281.001/schedule.html>
> <http://revolution.byu.edu/chum381/schedule.php>
> Could be used to create a revolution programming textbook on  
> wikibooks:
> <http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ruby_Programming>
> <http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer% 
> 27s_Tutorial_for_Python/Hello%2C_World>
> Any other material out there we may have the right to re-use if we  
> were to start a few pages on revolution programming there?
> Best regards,
> Marielle

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