OK to pass big data in 'the result'?

Mark Smith mark at maseurope.net
Thu Mar 15 20:23:10 EDT 2007

If the data is really big (which i guess is relative to how much RAM  
you have), then you're duplicating it, which could be quite  
inefficient ie. noticeably slow.

Unless there's some other reason not to, I might do

on processRecords
   repeat for each line tLine in the uBigList of stack "XYZ"
     --your code here
   end repeat
   delete stack "XYZ"
end processRecords

Having said that, I don't think there's any reason that 'the result'  
would be any better or worse than an ordinary variable in terms of  
speed/memory use.



On 15 Mar 2007, at 23:59, Phil Davis wrote:

> Is anyone aware of any drawbacks in using 'the result' as a  
> container for passing, say, a bunch of records from one handler to  
> another? Like this:
> on processRecords
>   getRecords
>   put the result into tRecordList
>   repeat for each line tLine in it
>     -- your code here
>   end repeat
> end processRecords
> on getRecords
>   put the uBigList of stack "XYZ" into tList
>   delete stack "XYZ" -- to remove it from memory
>   return tList
> end getRecords
> Any drawbacks? Speed or memory or other issues?
> I realize there are clearer, cleaner ways to do this... in a new  
> dev (read "perfect") world at least. But I'm not in that world at  
> the moment.
> Thanks -
> Phil Davis
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