Thank for suggest to build website by runrev.

Bill Marriott wjm at
Thu Mar 15 08:56:05 EDT 2007


Also, just because it can be used as a CGI doesn't mean this is the only way 
to use Rev to build a website. You can write a desktop-based content 
management system in Rev that uploads static HTML files via FTP, for 
example. And many other possibilities.

"supote songthammawat" 
<supote.songthammawat at> wrote in 
message news:680dfa960703141945r456c8235jce02e0ebc7edc9c at
>         Thank so much for suggestion. If I have problem about runrev I 
> will
> ask u again. Bye Bye.
> On 3/14/07, Marielle Lange 
> <mlange at> wrote:
>> A few tutorials on building CGI's with revolution have appeared in
>> runrev's newsletters:

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