Tables trouble

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Sat Mar 10 12:46:11 EST 2007

There is one person on this list that got deep into the Rev tables, 
got them to sorta work and came up with a library of routines to deal 
with them.

go here

and download TUTORIALS PICKER 2.0. The tutorials are often updated 
and the app checks every time on startup.

Or you can download just one tutorial at a time.
Here's the one for table fields:

  Eric Chatonet has a lot of great tools on his site, and knows his 
stuff. It's also the only place on earth you can get much info at all 
about Rev fields. However Eric has admitted that table fields are a 
PIA as currently offered, and incomplete and buggy. Just plain weird. 
I'm sure he did what he could

I'm sure Rev will have something better soon with the new engine 
already ready to go. For now, however, Eric's stack gives a lot of 

If it is useful to you please leave a donation for Eric, because he's 
given a lot back to the Rev community.

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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