image flipping problem -- bug entry?

Marielle Lange mlange at
Thu Mar 8 08:42:47 EST 2007

Somebody mentioned an issue with image flipping on the list but I  
cannot find a report in quality center. I have a little demo stack  
ready to upload there. A search on flip doesn't return any  
appropriate entry.

If there is one, let me know, otherwise, I will enter one.

The problem is: when flipping images that contain graded alpha values  
(typically a png image), the image is reduced to one with categorical  
alpha (either fully transparent either fully opaque). A second issue  
is that on first flipping, a small dashed border may appear. 2.8,  
build 360, MacOSX.

Best regards,

Marielle Lange (PhD),
Bite-size Applications for Education

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