Moving a File

Luis luis at
Wed Mar 7 19:58:30 EST 2007

I agree with Dave totally: The current implementation is not logical.  
'Rename' does not equal 'Delete'.

On 7 Mar 2007, at 18:47, Marielle Lange wrote:
> In a book on successful work habits that point was made very  
> nicely. It went something like this. If you take a vase and a bunch  
> of stones, all of different sizes. If you try and put the small  
> stones first, then at some point you won't be able to put the big  
> ones in anymore. However, if you go the other way around, start  
> with the big stones, you would be surprised at how many stones you  
> can put in your vase.

Analogies, as comforting as they are at times, also have exceptions:  
Driving down a narrow road, ahead of you are two obstacles, one LARGE  
empty cardboard box and one SMALL glass bottle, which one do you avoid?



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