
Dave Cragg dave.cragg at
Tue Mar 6 08:03:24 EST 2007

On 6 Mar 2007, at 11:29, Richard Miller wrote:

> Here is from our experience. I can't explain why this is happening,  
> but repeated tests show that it does.
> 1) Using the blocking form (put url xx into url yy), we experienced  
> that a foreground file transfer that might take 30 seconds would be  
> effected by a pendingmessage file transfer scheduled to occur  
> sometime during the time frame of that foreground transfer

I see a potential problem here, but it depends what you're doing in  
the file transfer pendingMessage handler. When using blocking calls  
(get url, put ... into url) only one transfer can be processed at a  
time by libUrl. If you attempt to start another transfer before the  
previous one completes, you will get an error in the result.  
Depending on how your file transfer handler handles errors (Can it  
dstinguish between an error in a currently uploading transfer and one  
that has been called before the previous one completes?) it could get  

I don't think using the pendingMessages queue to schedule blocking  
transfers is the best approach. Typically, you would wait until one  
transfer completes, and then start the next one.

If you know the files to be transferred when you start the procedure,  
I would do something like this (error checking points only indicated):

on fileTransfer pFileList

  repeat for each line tFile in pFileList
     put <whatever> into tUrl ## your url setting routine here
     put url ("binfile:" & pFile) into tData
     ## check the result here in case of local file error
     repeat 5 times ## or however many times you want to try
        put false into tFailed
        put tData into url tUrl
        if the result is empty then
          exit repeat
          put true into tFailed
        end if
      end repeat
      if tFailed then
         ## perhaps record the file name
         ## and show a list of failed uploads later
      end if
  end repeat

end fileTransfer

If you don't know the files in advance, then I'd add them to a queue  
(perhaps a custom property or global or script local variable. Then  
have the transfer routine check the queue when it finshes a transfer.

local sFileQ

on startTransferRoutine ## called only once, perhas at startup
      send tranferFile to me in 0 milliseconds
end startTransferRoutine

on qFile pFile ## adds file to queue
     if pFile <> empty then
	put line 1 of pFile & cr after sFileQ
     end if
end qFile

on transferFile
   if the number of lines of sFileQ > 0 then
     repeat until tFile <> empty
       put line 1 of sFileQ into tFile
       delete line 1 of tFile
     end repeat
     put <whatever> into tUrl ## your url setting routine here
     put url ("binfile:" & pFile) into tData
     ## check the result here in case of local file error
     repeat 5 times ## or however many times you want to try
        put false into tFailed
        put tData into url tUrl
        if the result is empty then
          exit repeat
          put true into tFailed
        end if
      end repeat
      if tFailed then
         ## perhaps record the file name
         ## and show a list of failed uploads later
      end if
   end if
   send transferFile to me in 1000 milliseconds
end transferFile

> The server (under its default settings) rejects subsequent attempts  
> unless we unload the url,

For non-blocking calls, you must unload the url, even after an error.

> send a QUIT command, and wait some period of time before starting  
> the next attempt.

That doesn't sound too good.


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