Drag and Drop Problem
dave at looktowindward.com
Fri Mar 2 08:54:34 EST 2007
I have the following "drag" handlers in the Script of a field. It all
works - mostly. The problem is that sometimes the field gets left
with a blue border. If I pick up a file in the Finder and move it
onto the border turns blue (most of the time) if I then move it out
of the field it goes back to normal (most of the time). However
sometimes it just doesn't receive the dragEnter/dragLeave message.
This happens running under the IDE and as a Standalone.
Is this anything else I need to do in order to get this to work
reliably? I am using an Intel Mac Pro, MacOS X 10.4.8 with god knows
how much RAM and 1 Terabyte of Hard Disk Space! Lucky me! lol
Thanks a lot
All the Best
-- dragStart
on dragStart
end dragStart
-- dragEnter
on dragEnter
set the borderColor of me to "blue"
set the threeD of me to false
set the acceptDrop to true
end dragEnter
-- dragLeave
on dragLeave
set the borderColor of me to empty
set the threeD of me to true
set the acceptDrop to false
end dragLeave
-- dragDrop
on dragDrop
local myDropData
local myMessageID
local myMessageKind
-- Grab the Data
put the dragData["files"] into myDropData
if myDropData = empty then
pass dragDrop
end if
-- Send the Add to Job Queue Message
put "HFPAJobControlMessageID"into myMessageID
put "HFPAJobQueueAdd"into myMessageKind
get ISMAppUtilsEncodeAndPutMessage
(myMessageID,myMessageKind,"Volatile","String",myDropData & cr)
-- Tidy up and Return
pass dragDrop
end dragDrop
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