Delete an Array Entry?

Dave Cragg dave.cragg at
Fri Mar 2 03:21:35 EST 2007

On 2 Mar 2007, at 06:48, Mark Wieder wrote:
> If I'm remembering this stuff correctly, the terms Hashtable and
> Associative Array refer to the same thing. Which one you use depends
> on how you were brought up. I suppose it may be simpler just to think
> of them as unordered collections of key/value pairs...

Interestingly (perhaps!!) is that ActionScript 3 (don't know about  
earlier versions) treats associative arrays and objects as equivalent  
things. From their docs: "Associative arrays are unordered  
collections of key and value pairs. " You don't write their docs, do  
you? :-) They can be instantiated by declaring either an array or an  

It also allows the same syntax to refer to elements in standard  
(indexed?) arrays and objects (associative arrays). So myArray[4] is  
an index reference for an array, and myObject[someValue] can be used  
as a key reference for an object / associative array. So I guess  
someone coming from that environment might be understandably confused  
by Rev's behaviour.


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