Delete an Array Entry?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Mar 1 14:02:47 EST 2007

Dave wrote:

> When I read the part quoted above in the documentation I thought for a 
> moment that myArray[17] was some special usage and wasted times checking 
> that it worked the way I thought it worked. There is really no point in 
> describing the RunRev type of Array in these terms since there is no 
> element 17 or any other numeric index.

Under "delete variable", the docs say: "The arrayIndex is a key of an 
array variable. If an arrayIndex is specified instead of a variable 
name, the delete variable command removes that element of the array, 
without deleting the rest of the elements in the array."

It seems pretty clear that the delete command will remove an array 
element with the key you specify. That's how associative arrays work.

> Whoever wrote the documentation 
> didn't understand how Arrays in RunRev work. 

That would be hard to believe. Jeanne DeVoto, who wrote most of the 
documentation, is one of the foremost documentation experts on xtalk 
scripting, starting with HyperCard, where she was one of the authors of 
the definitive reference book for that program. She has been working 
with the language for 20 years, and I'm certain she understands how 
arrays work in Revolution. But if you haven't worked much with 
associative arrays, I can see how it could be confusing.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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