List Fields and clickLine

Randy Hengst iowahengst at
Thu Jun 28 09:02:25 EDT 2007


Thanks for this. I was looking for some sort of deselect line thing  
and hadn't found hilitedLines. I'll make my first foray into the land  
of Bugzilla.

With setting hilitedLines to empty I still see a brief flicker when I  
click and release just below the last line and it is still possible  
to click in exactly the right spot so that a click and drag will  
highlight the lines as you move up and down the list. So, I put the  
hilitedLines to empty in my mouseUp handler, too, so the user knows  
to try again.

I also tried placing the clickLine in a variable and trapping for it  
in the mouseMove, mouseStilldown, or dragMove, but none of them  
really eliminates the problem -- the selected line just flickers as  
you move up and down the list. I couldn't think of other options. If  
you know of something else I could try, please let me know.

take care,
randy hengst
On Jun 28, 2007, at 12:32 AM, use-revolution-request at  

> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 12:20:05 -0500
> From: Ken Ray <kray at>
> Subject: Re: List Fields and clickLine
> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
> Message-ID: <20070627122005359863.bc9fbd6f at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:05:39 -0500, Randy Hengst wrote:
>> Click to highlight the choices to make sure things work as expected,
>> then leave choice 1 or 2 highlighted and click in the blank area
>> below choice 3. Using very small increments, click in the blank space
>> below choice 3 and move up until it highlights. If choice 3 is put,
>> try again using smaller increments. There is an area just below the
>> line where choice 3 will highlight, but the clickline reports empty.
> Rev used to have a bug where if you clicked in an area below the
> choices, the last choice would automatically highlight, but the
> clickLine will still be empty. This has been fixed, but it seems
> there's still this bug left over. Because of the earlier bug, I've
> always put in an explicit "set the hilitedLines of me to empty"  in my
> mouseDown trap when the clickLIne is empty. This is of course a
> workaround, and I still think you should log the bug in Bugzilla, but
> it works for me:
> on mouseDown
>   if the clickLine is empty then
>     set the hilitedLines of me to empty  --<< add this
>     beep
>   else
>     put the value of the clickLine
>   end if
> end mouseDown
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
> Email: kray at
> Web Site:

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