character to justify text

-= JB =- sundown at
Wed Jun 27 01:22:13 EDT 2007

On Jun 26, 2007, at 10:05 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

> REV html is really a special, very simple, limited subset of 'real'  
> html created especially for use inside REV. A smart move, because  
> it's a text syntax and form we already know.
>  Perhaps, however, you could also use the built-in browser plug-in  
> (formerly known as Altbrowser, now comes with Rev 2.8), feed it  
> REAL WC3 html from a text file, and use the align="justify" tag.
> A thought, if you mainly need to just display this justified text.
> stephen barncard
> s a n  f r a n c i s c o
> - - -  - - - - - - - - -

I need the user to be able to decide.  If it was full justification  
offered like
other justification then that would work.  If it was a character I  
could then
insert where I wanted that would be great too.  But the user will be the
one who finally makes the decision one way or another.  I would like it
to be done on a line by line basis according to the users choice.


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