Striped Background in OS X Revisited

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Jun 26 12:21:47 EDT 2007

I understand the HIG on this, but for many apps there isn't a 
traditional "content region" in the normal document sense, and using the 
topStack function well often means using toplevel rather than modeless 

I made a screen grab of some other app's window and set the 
backgroundPattern of my stack to that, but since the pattern's already 
in the OS I must admit feeling a little dirty with such a ghetto workaround.

Can we just have something like systemPattern as a backgroundPattern option?

This would ideally also set the backgroundPattern appropriately for 
Windows as well.

Anyone know if there's a BZ for this?

> Or you can do as Jim Sims suggests:
> On 8 Jun 2007, at 14:07, Jim Sims wrote:
>> On Jun 8, 2007, at 2:25 PM, Scott Kane wrote:
>>>  Question is - how are some of you solving this?  I've read the  
>>> archives of the list that I could find discussing this but most of  
>>> the discussion is about using images to fake the pinstripe, which  
>>> bring me back to square one.
>> If you...
>> go to the card inspector > colors & patterns > click Background  
>> ( backgroundPattern )
>> go to Standard Icons > second from last row - next to last standard  
>> icon is a pinstripe
>> Card goes pinstripe with that particular version of pinstripe.
>> That help?
>> Jim Sims
> On 26 Jun 2007, at 16:22, Gregory Lypny wrote:
>> My apologies for asking a question I asked a couple of years ago  
>> but I'm curious to know if anything has changed in this regard in  
>> the newest version of Revolution.  Is there an easy way, other than  
>> pasting an image, to set a stack's background to the OS X stripes?   
>> I have opened a new main stack and set the stack's background  
>> pattern and colour to empty, and I have done the same for the  
>> stack's only card.  This doesn't work; it's still white.  What am I  
>> doing wrong?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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