drawer opening wrong side --stubborn

Scott Morrow scott at elementarysoftware.com
Sun Jun 24 01:18:15 EDT 2007

I agree that for cross platform purposes using a disclosure triangle  
allows greater consistency and easier code maintenance. However,  
there are times when drawers provide a solution in OSX (other than  
their gee-wiz OSX look) that can't be fully achieved otherwise.  
Window resizing over time can be done smoothly to the right and down  
but not to the left or upwards.  Drawers (when they work) allow for  
the window space to grow *smoothly* in all four directions.  Sure,  
it's *just* cosmetic...

Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust !)
web     http://elementarysoftware.com/
email   scott at elementarysoftware.com


On Jun 23, 2007, at 9:36 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Pamela Crossley wrote:
>> oh well, i was just trying to do my bit for apple consistency. now  
>> back  to
>> separate panels, which i agree with joe are much easier to handle  
>> anyway.
> While Apple does seem rather fond of their drawers, they continue  
> to also recommend the universal standard for such things,  the  
> disclosure triangle:
> <http://developer.apple.com/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/ 
> OSXHIGuidelines/XHIGControls/chapter_18_section_7.html#//apple_ref/ 
> doc/uid/TP30000359-TPXREF227>
> Still recommended by Apple, and integrates well with Windows, KDE,  
> Gnome, and most other GUIs.
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Managing Editor, revJournal
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