reading CSV text file

runrev260805 at runrev260805 at
Fri Jun 22 17:36:21 EDT 2007


i have to read a textfile, which is comma separated and contains " as text identifier. The item delimiter is ,
My problem is, i do not know, how can i read the file and detect each item of a line, as the items are sepearated by comma and the textfield/items could contain comma, too. How can i tell Revolution to ignore the comma in the "tesxtarea of an item"

Here´s an example line

"7722"," ","Fuji Cleaning Cartridge für DLT Streamer, retail","DLT Reinigungskassette für bis zu 20 Reinigungen nicht für DLT 1 und VS!","","","BAND","183","Diverse Hersteller","42419",31.03,38.79,35.27,34.48,34.48,34.48,32.66,0.000,0.000,"",24

As you can see, some fields/items are included in " ,others (the numeric values) are not. The field included in " could contain , .

Any idea, how i can solve that. I have to mention that in the textfields/items there could be also the " as product description e.g.  TFT 19"  or HDD 2.5"



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