Reg:Externals folder in StandAlones

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Jun 21 14:03:32 EDT 2007

vandana murthy wrote:
> Hi all ,
> I need your help in solving the following problem.
> There are some  certain library stacks that i need to be includ in my
> standalone application. For example, if i am  using XML functions and i
> need the XML libraries. So i include them in the standalone settings while
> creating the standalone. But after the standalone is created, the get an
> "externals" folder containing a dll file . Is it possible that we can avoid
> this folder and put this dll file in some other folder i wish , like can i
> specify some file path for the file .

Yes, you can move the .dll wherever your scripts expect it to be. The 
default location is there because the standalone builder doesn't know 
what paths your scripts use.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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