Best Practices in Rev development

Shari shari at
Wed Jun 20 12:02:18 EDT 2007

>Excellent point. And this happens quite a bit with beginning 
>students. How easy is it to inadvertently alt/option-drag an object? 
>Or Command/Control-C then Command/Control-V,V? (Oops! didn't realize 
>I hit paste twice!)
>Another naming gotcha: Have you ever gotten an "object doesn't 
>exist" error, and you check the name and it looks exactly right and 
>you spend a long time trying to figure out why your handler can't 
>see it? This happened to me years ago in HyperCard, and I spent many 
>hair-pulling-out minutes trying to figure it out. I finally 
>discovered that I had put a space at the end of the button name in 
>the button inspector dialog. I deleted it and, presto! Button now 
>exists! Nowadays that's one of the first things I check in 
>situations like this.

How about when you have two objects with identical names, such as 
when you inadvertently copy the object twice.  You edit the script of 
the visible object, but if a handler sends a message other than 
mouseUp to the script of object "someName", it may go to the other 
object, and you wonder why your newly changed script didn't work.

Duplications are so easy to do.  And if you have a lot of objects, 
you might not notice the two identical objects if you pull up the 
list of objects and the two are miles apart in the listing.

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