For Each Anomaly

Björnke von Gierke bvg at
Wed Jun 20 00:40:50 EDT 2007

>>> The behavior is as described in the docs (see the Dictionary entry  
>>> for "repeat").
>>> Please consider closing the "bug" report.  ... The larger BZ is the 
>>> harder it gets to  wade through.  Thanks.
>> Sounds like just the right time to throw it away and put in a better  
>> way of reporting, monitoring and fixing bugs!
> ...
> In this I don't think any such improvements in the server software 
> will make a difference:  this is an issue with user-generated content 
> being put into the database.  The database UI has changed, but it 
> still doesn't force people to read the docs and look for related posts 
> before posting.

This is looking completely wrong at the issue. A variable should be 
changeable, it's in the definition of the name. If a variable is not 
changeable it should be renamed to "constant" or maybe 
"don'ttouchthisthingy". If a user changes a variable, it should not 
throw errors, or behave unexpected. Most people have enough problems 
with expected behaviour, no need to complicate the matter.
Adding description for every unexpected behaviour is like trying to 
prevent a breach in a dyke by explaining to the water that it should go 
somewhere else. If the language would behave as expected, there would 
be less airquote & bug & airquote reports immediately (and less 
breaking dykes).

Basically any confusion for a user should be an opportunity to increase 
the reliability of the user experience. Scrutinising  a user or putting 
him down for being confused is a sure way to have one user less.
Therefore, Rev should make the labelVariable changeable whenever any 
user wants, i'm pretty sure that'd be not a  problem to do for them (as 
it worked in earlier versions). Allowing changes to the container 
variable is probably much harder, but I'm sure something could be done 
about that too.

I also would like to add, that I often change label variables in repeat 
for each loops, and have had never any errors thrown because of it (or 
unexpected results). I did however get unexpected results from changing 
the container variable.

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