looking for lost .txt file

Ben Bock benbock at msn.com
Mon Jun 18 19:33:19 EDT 2007

Hello all,

I'm on the data analysis side of a project I made using Revolution.  It was a standalone in Windows, with many quizzes as substacks.  I'm missing only one of the substack's data.  Apparently I entered some incorrect syntax, and it escaped attention and testing.  I've not worked in Rev since finishing this project, so I need some current help.  Can anyone tell me if this file "dumb mistake.txt" is saved on the computer that ran the standalone, and where to find it?

open file "file:Data/dumb mistake.txt" for append

write CR & gSubID & tab & tFinalScore to file "file:Data/dumb mistake.txt"

close file "file:Data/dumb mistake.txt"

The script of all the other successful files was: 

open file "Data/happy days.txt" for append

write CR & gSubID & tab & tFinal score to file "Data/happy days.txt"

close file "Data/happy days.txt"

Thanks for any help,  


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