Problem with Library Stack

Dave dave at
Mon Jun 18 14:44:58 EDT 2007


Playing around, changed it so the "go" command is issues before the  
call to the function to see if that would make a difference. When I run:

   go stack "/Documents/Programming/RunRevBase//RunTime/Stacks/ 
   get ControlGenerateResults 

It hits the first breakpoint, then Crashes the - Lib Stack never  
comes to the front. The start using has been performed during  
initialization (in preOpenStack).

The lib script has a lot of function in the stack script and this:

on libraryStack
end libraryStack

on releaseStack
end releaseStack

I did try opening it in the libraryStack handler, but this crashed  
also, so I moved it.

Any ideas? I'm dead in the water now!
Thanks a lot
All the Best

On 18 Jun 2007, at 19:24, Mark Smith wrote:

> I just made a simple stack with one function:
> function give
>   go stack (the short name of me)
>   return 21
> end give
> I named the stack "libGive" and saved it.
> I then made another stack, with one button, the script of which is:
> on mouseUp
>   start using stack "libGive"
>   put give()
> end mouseUp
> Result: stack "libGive" came to the front, and the message box  
> showed "21".
> I'm on a G4 laptop running 10.4.9
> So it doesn't seem like there's some inherent (to rev) problem with  
> doing what you're doing.
> Perhaps there's something else going on that might have caused a  
> crash? Maybe the library stack coming to the front upsets something  
> in the code in your main(calling) stack?
> Best,
> Mark
> On 18 Jun 2007, at 19:08, Dave wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a library stack which is working just fine (I start it up  
>> using the "start using" command). I now what this stack to be  
>> displayed as the front stack when one of it's functions is called  
>> so I inserted this into the function in question:
>> go to stack short name of me
>> Which causes Revolution to crash (unexpected quit). This  
>> is on a G5 running 10.4.9.
>> How can I get the stack to be the top most window when this  
>> function is called?
>> Thanks a lot
>> All the Best
>> Dave

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