Delimiting thousandths..converting 12345678 to 12, 345, 678 for example

Jim Ault JimAultWins at
Thu Jun 14 02:21:08 EDT 2007

On 6/13/07 11:07 PM, "FlexibleLearning at" <FlexibleLearning at>
> Hi Jim
>> Of course, this is why  universal functions are difficult to write.  A tool
>> for many  purposes may become less and less convenient.
> You are, of  course, quite right. The usability of a function should be
> proportionate to  the required functionality. A currency formatter is not
> necessarily the same as  a thousands separator.I got carried away.
Getting carried away is a good thing, especially when osmething like
Scripter's Scrapbook becomes such solid and expansive program.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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