Can I Stop Non-List Fields From Scrolling?

Michael Binder runr at
Wed Jun 13 16:24:39 EDT 2007

Gregory Lypny wrote:
> Is there any way to stop this?  A client can inadvertently move the
> contents of a field out of sight without knowing it, and not know how
> to get it back.

Scott Rossi wrote:
>> If the field is editable at all times, then I don't believe
>> there is any to prevent scrolling.

Hi Gregory,
As far as I know, Scott is correct.  The next best thing is to
put a mouseup and a mouseleave handler in the field and put
'set the vscroll of me to 0' in each of those handlers.  Your
clients will still be able to scroll the field, but they will
not be able to leave it in a state of scroll.

--Michael Binder

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