Printing an Image

Michael Binder runr at
Tue Jun 12 06:29:02 EDT 2007

Hi JB,
you wrote:
> I imported and image as a control and now I am
> trying to print it. <snip>
>  How do I print it?  All of
> the revPrint commands appear to be for fields
> and text.  Where is printing images discussed
> in the Rev Manuel.

The manual isn't much help, if I recall.  You probably
want some variant of the "Print Card" command.  Check
the rev dictionary.  For printing your image, try:

get the rect of image "myImage" of card "mycard"
put item 1 to 2 of it into topleft
put item 3 to 4 of it into bottomright
print card "mycard" from topleft to bottomright

--Michael Binder

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