WAR ON BUGS [WAS Open Source (was Don't you just wish Rev would do this?)]

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Thu Jun 7 20:27:59 EDT 2007

At 4:12 PM -0300 6/7/07, Bob Warren wrote:

>1. RR should provide feature releases on a regular basis. We pay for them.

And we'll be getting them. It's in the roadmap, and Kevin is sticking to it.

>2. We do not pay for bugfixes. The manufacturer is just putting 
>right what he has done wrong.

We didn't pay for bug fixes. Runrev extended their free upgrade 
policy to customers for over a year while the WOB was going on.

>The other day, I put forward a model under the thread "A glimpse of 
>the future" which was totally ignored. I must therefore presume that 
>in the opinion of all

I don't think we're ignoring you, we're just exhausted from the 
negative. I feel Rev has emerged from a dark buggy period into the 

We've had a few 'Rev outa do this' emails lately where the poster 
seemed to go on and on and complain that Rev isn't doing enough to 
please him, and he takes the stand of 'demanding customer'. Arguments 
about 'bug free is impossible' vs 'it must be bug free, screw the new 
features' ensues. These threads go on for weeks, then die down, then 
another person (who didn't read the ones before) takes over. (I won't 
name names...)

I will mention Bill Marriot was once a big complainer (with good 
reason)... but the difference is that he joined the Rev team, started 
a 'War On Bugs!'  and made a difference.

  I'm glad Rev exists, and if a few bumps along the road are there, I 
won't complain as long as I know there's work being done on my 
wishes. They are not Microsoft and cannot deliver the manpower in the 
same way. Actually they have enlisted many of us in their efforts to 
improve the product, and I think that's far better than Microsoft.

How can you help?

When you see a bug, take the time to describe it enough to repeat it, 
or make a movie, or demo stack and send all of it to Quality Control. 
It will get fixed.  I've seen it happen in days.



stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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