There's no place like Home

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Jun 7 00:39:38 EDT 2007

Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

 > On Jun 6, 2007, at 8:23 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
 >> Any stack which launches everytime Rev does, goes into the
 >> memory footprint and possibly adds frontscripts, backscripts
 >> providing more opportunity to mess with the fragile IDE.
 > I agree completely with Chipp. Good readily and obviously available
 > template stacks much as Judy outlined them would be far more useful
 > and much less dangerous.

I should clarify that I do too. The Home stack is currently a necessity 
in any IDE, so the impact in memory would not change.  And in keeping 
with MetaCard's central mandate, "Do No Harm", I can't imagine why any 
Home stack would need any frontScripts or backScripts.  HC never 
supported either feature, and we needn't much up any new Home stack with 
them.  It should be simple and self-contained, far simpler than 
RevOnline and, unlike RevOnline, open source for user modification.

  Richard Gaskin
  Managing Editor, revJournal
  Rev tips, tutorials and more:

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