Mac UB standalones and OS versions

Jeff Reynolds jeff at
Mon Jun 4 14:15:31 EDT 2007


Thanks for pushing this up, its a nasty one for me. i really would  
rather not have three apps for the mac with an os9, ox 10.1-2 and a  
10.3-4. this would just confuse folks. really want to have and intel  
ub since education stuff stick around and i expect by 10.6 intels  
will not be able to run non intel apps.

we found a few quirks in win98 testing that using 2.6.1worked around  
well so we now have two windows apps...

have not heard yet if the replication is stopped or not. it was  
tricky since the first pressing goes with a kids book and the books  
are printed in china already and just waiting the cds to go in...



Jeffrey Reynolds

On Jun 4, 2007, at 10:00 AM, use-revolution-request at  

> Jeff Reynolds wrote:
>> #$@%#^$ we just sent our cd out for replication, im trying to put  
>> a stop
>> on it if possible. 10.1 and 10.2 ARE STILL ALIVE AND WELL IN THE
> Urgh. I hope you can stop it in time, really sorry to hear that.
> I just asked the team about the problem, and they weren't aware of it.
> In all those months of beta testing involving hundreds of testers, it
> was never reported. The breakage wasn't intentional. They will do a  
> fix
> ASAP and asked me to let you all know.

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