On Board Sound -- Midi in Custom Props

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at proactive-intl.com
Fri Jun 1 11:06:32 EDT 2007

> > "Royalty Free" means no licensing required (unlimited use). 
>  Here in 
> > the USA, some stock media requires licensing for specific 
> time periods 
> > and/or the type of use.  The tm|audio package does not have these 
> > restrictions.
> >
> > And yes, the tm|audio sound collection sells for US$79.
> Ah, so royalty free is not free at all... Corporate speak is funny :D

That's the difference between "royalty free" and "free". Hey, if you really
are in the software industry, you should always know to read carefully when
you see the word "free" :-)

Even before the term "Free Software" became so charged, there has been many
a "free" product with strings attached for donations, recommendations,
sending cookies, chocolate, etc....

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution Ltd

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