Crash -> there is a stack tPath/~FileName

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sun Jul 29 05:07:02 EDT 2007


This is a known bug. You can find a new report in QCC.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 29-jul-2007, om 7:26 heeft Scott Morrow het volgende geschreven:

> I've encountered a bug... actually an old bug marked "fixed" (bug #  
> 940) where Rev suddenly quits if I use the form
> there is a stack tFilePath
> where the filePath points to a file named with a leading tilda "~"
> such as
> "/Users/myname/Projects/~FileName.rev"
> If I avoid using the "stack" syntax and go with
> exists(tFilePath)
> then all is well
> If someone would confirm this I would be happy... er, willing,  to  
> report it?
> rev 2.8.1 (build 472)  /  OSX 10.4.10
> -Scott Morrow

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